Re: PMS? fever, aches, flu-like symptoms – Naturopathic Medicine Network

Re: PMS? fever, aches, flu-like symptoms

Posted by Cathy on 11/18/08 7:42:31 PM as a reply to
PMS? fever, aches, flu-like symptoms

YES!, Just the past two months I’ve gotten a fever, chills, body aches, and weakness in my legs the day before my period starts. I’m also very tired feeling, with no ability to do anything but stay in bed. Not much of an appetitite either. The next day the period starts and it’s like I’m back to normal and as though that day before, never happened. I had a 101 temp both times and chills so bad I just couldn’t get warm. Then finally got hot and kicked all the covers off. I’m 54 and have never experienced this before.

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