Re: A few thoughts – Naturopathic Medicine Network

Re: A few thoughts

Posted by beyond confused… on 05/21/09 1:59:46 AM as a reply to
A few thoughts

Thanks for all your great advice on this forum Rusty. I’ve posted many times on this forum before, and would totally appreciate your advice or that of other ND graduates.

I’m in a very confused place myself. I have an acceptance to a DO (osteopathic) medical school to start this year, as well as a MD school waitlist. Most likely I will be starting at the DO school as I’ve already been accepted. However, I absolutely love natural medicine. I take supplements myself and wouldn’t take nearly any of the drugs that conventional physicians prescribe. I really want a quality medical education, but would much rather study herbs than synthetic pharmaceuticals. I’m so confused now and am wondering if I should start DO school this year. I’ve thought about getting an ND degree in the future (after I complete DO or MD school), but that is just so many years. I am 27 years old already. I am wondering if I should go to ND school instead, but it seems like people struggle badly financially. I would love to go to ND school after residency, but then I don’t know when I’ll realistically do it, as I’ll be paying off my med school loans.

I would totally appreciate anyone’s advice!! Thanks!

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