Re: protein in urine – Naturopathic Medicine Network

Re: protein in urine

Posted by Ina Simpson on 12/07/04 at 09:46 AM

After the birth of my daughters child she was hospitalized for two weeks with a severe kidney infection. SHe was on IV antibiotics. She is currently still on oral antibiotics due to blood and protein still in urine. She was hospitalized in Sept. so this has been going on for awhile. She had a Thymoma tumor removed almost exactly one year ago. The Drs. told us last week that she had kidney damage due to the infection. I am curious about how much damage she could have and concerned about her getting pregnant again regarding stress on the kidneys. Just worried about her long term prognosis with the kidney damage. Does blood and protein indicate how much damage has occured. Alot of questions, just looking for any info on possibly what to expect.