Re: Re: ovarian cyst

Re: Re: ovarian cyst

Posted by may on 07/31/03 at 08:29 PM

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I just found out I have a cyst today, too, probably about the same size as yours (4 x 3.5 cm). Doctor told me to wait three months and come back to check up. I was doing some researching on ovarian cysts and came upon this thread, so I thought I’d write. Seems that almost all of them say that, unless it’s several inches large (3+ inches), most doctors will suggest the “wait and see””. I am already on birth control, have been for almost two years since my son was born…and somehow I still managed to get this cyst. My doctor says that, since I am on birth control (birth control patch for the past 4 months, pills before that), that it should take care of it…so I’m hoping he’s right. But, get this, he says that there’s a small chance it may just rupture or cut off blood supply to my ovaries, at which point, I will be in severe pain. Gee thanks.