Tuesday, Mar 01, 2005


Posted by Mel on 01/24/03 at 12:18 AM

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Hi, I know what you are going through. It can be so embarrassing, and it restricts what you wear alot too. I get really sick of people seeing it and asking “What’s that!””. I have noticed lately that it had improved considerably all of a sudden – then I realised that I hadnt had any cow’s milk for about a week straight, and I cant beleive the difference that made. I think it is just like what alot of the other people who have replied have said – there must be ‘something’ you are allergic to. I also agree with the tanning factor – not only does it somehow soothe the skin, but it almost camouflages the excema that is there aswell. My best advice is to go easy on the cortisone/steriod creams – I suspect that the reason why I am losing the pigment in my skin after I have tanned on the spots where I have had really bad excema is due to these steriods…. but that is another issue in itself. If I could go back I would try and use something else or just use it sparingly! Best of luck finding a method to live easier….dont give up.