Re: reoccuring mouth herpes

Re: reoccuring mouth herpes

Posted by Chris on 01/21/05 at 02:02 PM

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I use Zovirax/Acyclovir, and it helps, but I don’t take it daily and am usually hesitant to start taking it just for the tingling (which I try to convince myself is just my imagination); so it helps the sores go away faster for sure, and if I do take it soon enough it does prevent them.

My sister swears by Lysol–she dabs it on the sores with a Q-tip, and it burns but she says it makes them go away really fast. I’ve only tried once, and it helped a bit but wasn’t the miracle she claimed it would be. (Is there lysine in Lysol?)

I just saw a website that talked about lysine and arginine (I think), which is kinda the opposite of lysine as it encourages viral replication. Site said to avoid high arginine foods like peanuts, almonds and many other nuts. (Very sad for me, I love nuts!)

In addition to over-the-counter creams like Abreva and stuff, I find it helps to keep the area as moist as possible, so after putting on the medicinal cream, I put on some kind of lip balm, which also helps disguise the sore a little. (Also helps that I’m a guy and can let my facial hair grow so sores are less visible.)

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