Re: Re: I’m a 1st yr MD student(london) but interested in ND. Confused!

Friday, Feb 18, 2005

Re: Re: I\\\’m a 1st yr MD student(london) but interested in ND. Confused!

Posted by J.D. McCoy, ND on 02/20/03 at 04:18 PM

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Aloha! I graduated in 2001 from CCNM (the only Canadian CNME accredited naturopathic medical school). I am practicing in Hawaii- loving every minute of it. I work with an MD and a DO. There were many times during my journey that I considered an MD. I practice evidence-based naturopathic medicine, emphasis on clinical nutrition, Mind/Body Medicine, and homeopathy (but I use all of the naturopathic modalities). The biggest drawback (frustration) is the lack of insurance coverage for NDs. I am licensed, yet I am not reimbursed for primary care. This reduces patient’s access to naturopathic care, and makes it difficult to generate a busy practice (especially in Hawaii, with a high cost of living). The biggest benefit to an MD is the insurance coverage. Unfortunately, without the ND training, and MD (typically) continues to palliate and symptomatically treat most chronic diseases. The ideal would be a dual ND/MD, but that is a very long and expensive road.

Like ANY program, ND and MD alike, it is a foundation and a starting point. What you do with it is up to you. In many ways the MD is more limiting, since you are taught a within the allopathic paradigm (although you may want to practice like an ND, I think that the the inital philisophical imprinting that occurs as an MD makes it difficult to really practise naturopathic medicine). I have worked wiht many MDs, and sometimes they just don’t get it. It’s not just about making an accurate physical/lab diagnosis, but interpreting what that tells you about the underlying cause (especially relating to mental/emotional causation).

NDs are in a tough place right now, but things are changing. With increased patient demand, awareness of cost-benefit, expanded licensing of naturopathic medicine, and increased research into CAM therapies, NDs will be in a great position regarding primary care in the US and Canada.

If you can practice in a licensed jurisdiction, go for an ND (even though reimbursement is an issue- this can/will change). If you want to live in an unlicensed jurisdiction, get an MD/ND or get politically active with an ND.

Hope this helps in some way.



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