Posted by Sean on 03/29/05 at 07:44 PM

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Oh my god! that is so much. When i was in the 3rd grade i was diagnosed with ADHD and i was perscribed 5 mg of ritalin 3 times a day, and it was perfect. i was growing and went up untill i reached 15 mg 3 times a day when i was in 6th grade. i then switched over to 36 mg of concerta once a day. i am now 16 and 155 lbs and im in 10th grade. i take 108 mg of concerta once a day. it is alot but its because my body is kinda used to it. I would like to warn anyone who takes or knows someone who takes Adderall. It is very dangerous. i took a 2 week trial of it and it really messed my body up. my appitite was so off i barely ate when i was on them, then when they wore off i ate everything in site and eventually got sick. I’ve also heard of cases where kids have died in Canada from it.

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