Re: Bright’s Disease

Monday, Dec 20, 2004

Re: Bright’s Disease

Posted by Eve on 04/12/04 at 07:37 PM

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I have had this disease since I was about 7 years old – now 56 years old. It almost killed me when I was a youngster – was unconscious for a week, very weak and blood and albumin for many years after – diet was important! Watch protein! Good natural vitamins and other herbs have helped me for the last five years (especially choline and inositol), even though the doctors told me if I had another bout I could “kiss it goodbye.”” Had another bout about 5 years ago. That bout almost took me down and out, too! Cranberry pills finally helped the 5th set of antibiotics to get it back under control. Been hard to live with, but it can be done!!!!